Street Protests

Street Protests – Immigration Marches and Recent Resistance 

These are pictures created over the last fifteen years around a new resurgence of activism and street protests. American history is a long story of people from other lands toiling in this place, struggling to make their way, often gathering and fighting to be recognized, and re-imagining this new ideal. The first colonists, the African slaves, the Irish immigrants, the railroad Chinese: we all have seen the costs of that struggle for a more perfect union. Those who strive for their voices to be heard, their presence to be known, and justice to be served are heroes.

In the spring of 1972, I marched in the streets of Denver against the mining of Haiphong Harbor. It was the last large student mobilization against the American war in Vietnam. Over thirty years later I found myself in the street again, marching in a futile attempt to stop the buildup to the U.S. invasion of Iraq. That seemed to be an awakening of the people to a government that wasn’t listening. But it was also apparent there were issues about disinformation and careful phrasing to create fear. 

Mass protest has once again become a mode of solidarity and power. The distrust of government, mainstream media, and even science continues to be a challenge. The internet’s democratization of publishing and distribution has leveled media’s playing field. It has reduced journalistic integrity. Truth has lost its authority amid a cacophony of opinions and entertainment that masquerades as news. 

These images are documents of this new moment. The off-camera light speaks to both the idea of the enlightened hero as well as the performative quality of appearing in our social media stories. I believe in the passion that brings people to the streets. I am concerned that the solidarity of a union is being lost in the desire for perfection.

  1. Immigration Reform March | Phoenix, Arizona | 1 May 2006

  2. Members of the John Brown Gun Club, Inauguration Day | Phoenix, Arizona | 20 January 2017

  3. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day March, 2017, no. 2 | Phoenix, Arizona | 16 January 2017

  4. Human Rights Protest Against SB-1070 | Phoenix, Arizona | January, 2010

  5. Penitentes at Immigrant Rights March | Phoenix, Arizona | 10 April 2006

  6. Immigrant Rights March | Phoenix, Arizona | 10 April 2006

  7. March For Our Lives | Phoenix, Arizona | 24 March 2018

  8. Student Leaders at March for Columbine | Phoenix, Arizona | 20 April 2018

  9. Counter Protester | March for Our Lives | 24 March 2018

  10. March for Science / Earth Day March, no. 7 | Phoenix, Arizona | 22 April 2017

  11. Native Americans at the 2018 Women's March | Phoenix, Arizona | 21 January 2018

  12. Women's March | Denver, Colorado | 19 January 2019




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